quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2022


                                                    Online mobility in Italy

The Italian mobility was held online from 29th March to 4th April at the state high school Leonardo da Vinci located in Cassano delle Murge - BARI

Students worked on the comprehension of the main themes in “Marcovaldo and the seasons in the city”: the different life styles in nature and in the city and, above all, about the advantages and disadvantages the comfortable and emancipated life style is bringing to our lives.

Then they worked on the Sustainable Development Goal n.8 “Decent work and Economic Growth” focusing on important issues such as employment creation, working time, right at work, social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration, equality of opportunity and European job employment agencies. Dealing with these topics students were able to get to know and compare the different countries’ economies and societies that should be more resilient in the different global challenges we face every day.”

Of course, we had loved to meet students and teachers in person and show the richness of our country, but thanks to the technology all the participants could exchange ideas, experiences and socialize in mixed groups as well!


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