segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2022


 Mobility in   Lamego - Portugal

Quality education provides resources and directs policies that actively engage the student, the school and the wider community in accessing learning and provides the outcomes needed for individuals, communities and societies to thrive. It allows schools to fully align and integrate with their communities and access a variety of services across all sectors designed to support their students' educational development.


A quality education is, according to the UN, “supported by three fundamental pillars: guaranteeing access to quality teachers; provide the use of quality learning tools and professional development and the establishment of safe and supportive quality learning environments”. Sustainable Development Goal 4, “Quality Education”, calls for an education that is not simply a content delivery system; rather, it is a system designed to help all children reach their full potential and enter society as full and productive citizens. Education must fully assume its central role in helping people to build more just, peaceful and tolerant societies. According to UNICEF, “quality education specifically involves issues such as the development of appropriate skills, gender equality, provision of relevant school infrastructure, equipment, educational materials and resources, and scholarships”.

This theme, quality education, was the center of all the Erasmus+ mobility that took place in Lamego, at the Latino Coelho School Group. Over the course of a week, students and teachers from Sweden, Spain, Italy, Romania, France and, of course, Portugal, articulated their pedagogical, literary and scientific contributions, with one of the works by José Saramago “The Tale of the Unknown Island”, in which the dream, self-discovery, social criticism and the ability to criticize and reflect were the fulcrum of all activities developed both at school and in the community. 

In addition to the workshops, presentations and 

interactive work of the students, other activities 

and learning situations were also provided to our European partners, making our region, traditions and cultural and heritage diversity that our city and region offer and provide to young people, in an active European citizen participation. 

The tale of the unknown island - France

The tale of the unknown island - Spain

The tale of the unknown island - Roménia

The “Tell me a Story, please!” project has been a fundamental instrument for the construction of a European Education Area, supporting the implementation of European strategic cooperation in the field of education and training. In addition, it has been fundamental to promote cooperation, knowledge and the sharing of experiences in the literary context of each country involved and in the reflection of what a quality education really provides in a technological, digital and knowledge world.

Portugal presentation

France presentation

Romenia presentation

Spain presentation

Sweden presentation

terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2022

 Mobility in  Bucarest - Romenia

The Romanian mobility was held from 9th May to 14th May at the Scoala I.G. NR.146

Stories help us understand others and ourselves. We empathize with the characters we encounter in the stories. In addition to academic goals, stories enrich and guide our lives. Good stories do more than create a sense of belonging. They build familiarity and trust and allow the listener to enter the story where they are, making them more open to learning.

Through literature we can have a broader understanding of culture and have a greater appreciation of the community universe to which we belong. The impact of literature on modern society is undeniable. Literature acts as a form of expression of one's personality. Some books mirror society and allow us to better understand the world we live in. By listening to another person's voice, we can begin to discover how that person thinks.

We believe that literature is important because of its purpose in a society that is increasingly disconnected from human interaction. Reading literature provides the perfect opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. The Erasmus+ project “Tell me a story, please!”, developed by students and teachers from the Agrupamento de Escolas Latino Coelho, Lamego, has worked on several literary works, from each country involved, works by reference authors from Sweden, Spain, France, Romania and Italy. Reading these works in English is another challenge to linguistic and cultural proficiency, also allowing us to recognize themes, characters and times that our young people have enjoyed so much. 


Allied to the reading of these works, the Sustainable Development Goals appear appropriate to each of the narratives, which problematizes and drives research and intervention in the world around them. Between the 9th and 14th of May, in Bucharest – Romania, students from the various countries involved in this project interacted and analyzed the recently published work of a Romanian writer, “The book of Perilous Dishes”, by Doina Rusti. Something real, something mythical, something irreverent, but magical and with ethnic and cultural relations between peoples that challenged the capacity for analysis and reflection of students and teachers. Several workshops, debates and sharing of ideas and themes present in this work, as well as the sub-themes of objective 5 of the SDGs, Gender Equality, led to an effective knowledge of a people, of people individuals and knowledge of different ways of living and thinking, but not very different.

Visits to emblematic places in Bucharest and its history, such as the Palace of the Parliament,
emblematic space of the life and history of Romania in the Ceauşescu era, the visit to the 
Peles Palace in Sinaia and all the bucolic, wild and mysterious landscape of the Dracula's
Castle, among others, were not only moments of observation, but of knowledge in which
literature, art and geography intersected.

Knowledge, group spirit and interpersonal relationships prevailed in this meeting of students and teachers, the pillars of the true spirit of the humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam.

quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2022


                                                    Online mobility in Italy

The Italian mobility was held online from 29th March to 4th April at the state high school Leonardo da Vinci located in Cassano delle Murge - BARI

Students worked on the comprehension of the main themes in “Marcovaldo and the seasons in the city”: the different life styles in nature and in the city and, above all, about the advantages and disadvantages the comfortable and emancipated life style is bringing to our lives.

Then they worked on the Sustainable Development Goal n.8 “Decent work and Economic Growth” focusing on important issues such as employment creation, working time, right at work, social protection for families, better prospects for personal development and social integration, equality of opportunity and European job employment agencies. Dealing with these topics students were able to get to know and compare the different countries’ economies and societies that should be more resilient in the different global challenges we face every day.”

Of course, we had loved to meet students and teachers in person and show the richness of our country, but thanks to the technology all the participants could exchange ideas, experiences and socialize in mixed groups as well!


quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2022

                                              Online mobility in Spain

Between 17th and 24th January 2022 the Project teachers and students have done the mobility in Spain through the screen. The pandemic situation has called for this and we have done many activities around the two set goals:

The reading of a classical 16th century Spanish literature book, "Lazaro of Tormes", that describes the lives of poor humble people, specifically of Lazaro. a young rascal who has to survive at the hands of greedy masters. At the same time, Spain and Portugal are exploring the seas of the whole world, America is first stepped by Europeans and the trade all over the southeast seas is flourishing.

The United Nations Sustainable Goal no 3, "Good health and well being" has been dealt with through the study of good healthy habits in our countries. Students have been able to identify the "metabolic syndrome", a disorder connected to bad eating habits and lack of physical exercise.

Swedish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, French and Spanish students aged 12 to 17 have been able to learn about the above through Kahoots, questionnaires, shared documents and viewing of videos.