Mobility in Lamego - Portugal
Quality education provides resources and directs policies that actively engage the student, the school and the wider community in accessing learning and provides the outcomes needed for individuals, communities and societies to thrive. It allows schools to fully align and integrate with their communities and access a variety of services across all sectors designed to support their students' educational development.

A quality education is, according to the UN, “supported by three fundamental pillars: guaranteeing access to quality teachers; provide the use of quality learning tools and professional development and the establishment of safe and supportive quality learning environments”. Sustainable Development Goal 4, “Quality Education”, calls for an education that is not simply a content delivery system; rather, it is a system designed to help all children reach their full potential and enter society as full and productive citizens. Education must fully assume its central role in helping people to build more just, peaceful and tolerant societies. According to UNICEF, “quality education specifically involves issues such as the development of appropriate skills, gender equality, provision of relevant school infrastructure, equipment, educational materials and resources, and scholarships”.

This theme, quality education, was the
center of all the Erasmus+ mobility that took place in Lamego, at the Latino
Coelho School Group. Over the course of a week, students and teachers from
Sweden, Spain, Italy, Romania, France and, of course, Portugal, articulated
their pedagogical, literary and scientific contributions, with one of the works
by José Saramago “The Tale of the Unknown Island”, in which the dream,
self-discovery, social criticism and the ability to criticize and reflect were
the fulcrum of all activities developed both at school and in the community.
In addition to the workshops,
presentations and
interactive work of the students, other activities and
learning situations were also provided to our European partners, making our
region, traditions and cultural and heritage diversity that our city and region
offer and provide to young people, in an active European citizen participation.
The tale of the unknown island - France
The tale of the unknown island - Spain
The tale of the unknown island - Roménia
The “Tell me a Story,
please!” project has been a fundamental instrument for the construction of a
European Education Area, supporting the implementation of European strategic
cooperation in the field of education and training. In addition, it has been
fundamental to promote cooperation, knowledge and the sharing of experiences in
the literary context of each country involved and in the reflection of what a
quality education really provides in a technological, digital and knowledge
Portugal presentation
France presentation
Romenia presentation
Spain presentation
Sweden presentation
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